Monday, August 24, 2009

Challenge #1...conquered!!

A smooth start! First, a wonderfully sympathetic US Air curb check-in attendant, not only did not charge us the curb check-in fee, but didn't charge me the overweight charge for the bag, which was SO heavy, that even Andy had trouble hefting it into the trunk of the car to take us to the airport. Obstacle 1, overcome. Then, between OM & YD, lugging it off the baggage carousel and onto the the luggage cart at the Minnesota airport was not a problem. My fear of being able to handle getting that bag, plus my pull bag, onto the rental car shuttle bus (while YD handled her own 2 bags), was unwarranted, as at Minneapolis airport, there are no rental shuttles, you just take a tram, onto which we could wheel our luggage cart, to the rental car area. Then, between the 2 of us, toss the bags in the car, and we're good to go.

At the Dollar Rental car counter, I am informed that we have a mini-van waiting for us. Worried about being able to take all of our baggage in a regular car (Andy had trouble fitting it in his 4-door Q-45 Infiniti), I am thinking,, not what I had in mind, but, it certainly would solve the space issue. Then I see the expression of extreme dismay on YD's face upon hearing the words "mini-van," and I ask the representative if there are any other options. "Call later, after more cars have been returned, and if one comes in, it's all yours." Several hours later, we call, a Chrysler Sebring (the kind of car YD had before receiving her grad gift of her Prius), is there, if we want it. Knowing the size of the trunk of that car (humongous), and seeing the look of hopeful anticipation on YD's face, it's back to the airport we go (luckily our hotel is only 4 miles away), to trade in monstrositoid mini-van (which YD has already named "Andre the Giant), for sweet Sebring.

Tomorrow, after stopping at Target for road-trip supplies, we are off. 4 nights of no reservations on our way to Yellowstone. The giant corn maze in Sioux Falls, SD, is looking mighty inviting....

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