Friday, September 18, 2009


5,042 - number of miles driven

770 - the value of the prize YD won on TPIR

486 - number of photos taken

44 - number of states whose license plates we saw while on the road (47 if we include
the ones we saw in parking lots)

37 - number of blog posts

27 - number of days we were away

17 - number of hotels we stayed in

10 - number of states we visited

6 - number of relatives we saw

4 - number of National Parks we visited

3 - number of friends we saw
- number of reservation screw-ups I made (none serious or not easily remedied)
- number of time zones we were in

1 - number of car problems we had
- number of items (and it was unimportant) left behind in any of the 17 hotels we
stayed in
- number of tolls we paid on our 5,000+ mile journey

0 - the number of significant disagreements between OM & YD

Trip cross-country with a mother and daughter - PRICELESS!!!

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